OH SNAP! It's goin down! Hamlet and Laertes are going to fence to the death! Only Hamlet doesn't know its to the death. Let me explain. After Laertes barged in, we smoothed things out. We're cool now. And now that Hamlet is coming back because he was captured by pirates, we're going to kill him our selfs.

Laertes is going to challenge Hamlet to a fencing match, and Hamlet being completely oblivious, will not check the swords. Well, we're going to poison Laertes sword and he's going to "accidently" cut Hamlet with his sword. If this fails we're going to have a goblet with poisioned water in it. Hamlet will get awfully thirsty fencing, so if he needs a drink, I'll be right there with the poision. Oh MAN, I cant wait!

Deuces blog!
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