Wednesday, October 28, 2009


THAT MAN! HE KILLED POLONIUS! MY MAIN MAN POLONIUS! DAMN HIM! We were so tight! We were two wild and crazy guys! I knew something was up when Gertrude came out of her room panting. So I asked "Whats wrong babe?" And she told me everything. She told me how Hamlet is crazy, and how he thought he heard a rat and stabbed the curtains with out looking. Turns out Polonius was back there. Well this is it. This is the last straw. I am fed up with dealing with his craziness and I'm shipping him off to England. They can deal with him there. He is ruining everything I have worked for, and I cant let him continue to do this. So when the sun sets, it's off to England. I've sent his friends Rozencrantz and Guildenstern to get him ready. He is gone this time. For real.
Deuces blog.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Being Watched

Dear Blog,

Have you ever had the feeling that your being watched? I did earlier today.

After learning that Polonius would be spying on Hamlet and his mother, I realized something. I realized that I was sorry about what I did. I now realize that killing my brother for my own personal gain was so horrid that the angles in heaven can smell it. Im just like Cain. My guilt was stronger even than my intentions. But then I realized, so what if my hand is coated with my brother's blood? Isn't our God a merciful one? So I should pray right? But what can I say? Im sorry for my murder? No, no that wont work. Im still basking in the glory of being King. Can I be forgiven but still keep the rewards of killing my brother? You can bribe the fuzz, but you can't bribe God. So what do I do? I prayed thats what i did. Will it help? Probably not. But its the best I can do right now. I should probably pray some more now.

Deuces blog.

Sunday, October 25, 2009


DAMN HIM. What was he thinking? Showing! Damn it he knows! I've been caught! He knows that I killed his father. The pantomime was about an old king taking a nap in a garden, and then an assasin killing him with poision. In the ear. Who else does that but me? And then the queen weeped for two seconds, and then married the assasin.
This is the last straw. I gave him a chance to change but I guess he didn't. I'm shipping him off to England before he tries to reveal what I did, or worse, kill me. Im sending Polonius to hide in the Queen's room to see what happens between her and Hamlet. I'll get back to you blog.

Friday, October 23, 2009

Hamlet IS crazy!

Hamlet is crazy. For real this time.

Yesterday me and my boy polonius were hiding waiting for Hamlet to come, using Ophelia as bait, to see if he is crazy in love, or just crazy. Well...he went off on her. He told her that she needed to go to a nunnery and isolate herself from the world
Dang i g2g. Ill ttyl blog

Aight im back. Anyway...Hamlet is CRAZY! I mean the things that he said to Ophelia was just wrong. Im positive that he doesn't love her anymore, but I think that if he stays around he may harm someone. So if this continues im shipping him off to England so that he will be someone else's problem. He's not my kid so why should I care? And my wife? Well she married me like two hours after ole King Ham died so i don't think she'll mind too much. Anyway I gots a play to go to. So I'll talk to you after the play.

Deuces blog.

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Hamlet goin crazy!

Dear Blog,

Recently Hamlet has been loosin his mind. So, I brought his child hood bro's, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, over to see if they can get anything out of Hamlet. Hamlet is very fond of the two men and hopefully I can find out whats goin on. Gertrude thinks that it the fact that his father "died" and that me and her hooked up so quickly after. But I dunno.

Hold up blog, my bro Polonius has just showed up. I'll brb. AFK for like 5 min.

Yeah ok im back. Anyway, Polonius told me that the ambassador from Norway that I sent had returned. Voltemand told me that young Fortinbras had prepared for war against not Poland, but ME. ME. Well I'll tell you something, I won't take this laying down. Whoa there. Im getting too hot. I need to calm down. Breath in, breath out. Ok. Im good now. Anyway, Voletmand continued to say that Old Fortinbras had ordered young Fortinbras's arrest, and Fortinbras swore to never treaten Denmark again.

After this, Polonius tells me that he too suspects Hamlet to be crazy, and he says he knows why. Love. Love for his daughter Ophelia. So heres what we're going to do. We're going to have a watchout for Hamlet, and use Ophelia as bait. If he seems to love her, then he is just love sick. If not, he's going crazy. We are going to do this very soon. So keep your eyes open. Anyway, im out blog.


Monday, October 19, 2009

My Day

Dear Blog,

Man today was awesome. We had a rememberance/wedding celebration in the main hall. At first I put a sad face on. Talking about how we will miss old King Hamlet, and how we should put on a united face of mourning. Psh, whatevs. People need to move on. I have, my wife has. I mean look at me. I married my bro's wife a month after he died. Especially Hamlet. He needs to get over it. So your father died, so what? Move on. Be a MAN about it like your good ole uncle.

And you all know what’s happening. Young Fortinbras, underestimating my strength or imagining that the death of the king has thrown my country into turmoil, dreams of getting the better of me, and never stops pestering me with demands that I surrender the territory his father lost to the old Hamlet, my dead brother-in-law. Psh, whatevs. So much for Fortinbras. I'll show him who to mess with. I sent out Cornelius and Voltimand to tell him whats what.

After all this me and my fellow followers went out for some brewskies, and it was gooooooood. Nothing like a good drink after a hard days work. Well im out for now.

Deuces Blog.