Monday, October 26, 2009

Being Watched

Dear Blog,

Have you ever had the feeling that your being watched? I did earlier today.

After learning that Polonius would be spying on Hamlet and his mother, I realized something. I realized that I was sorry about what I did. I now realize that killing my brother for my own personal gain was so horrid that the angles in heaven can smell it. Im just like Cain. My guilt was stronger even than my intentions. But then I realized, so what if my hand is coated with my brother's blood? Isn't our God a merciful one? So I should pray right? But what can I say? Im sorry for my murder? No, no that wont work. Im still basking in the glory of being King. Can I be forgiven but still keep the rewards of killing my brother? You can bribe the fuzz, but you can't bribe God. So what do I do? I prayed thats what i did. Will it help? Probably not. But its the best I can do right now. I should probably pray some more now.

Deuces blog.

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