Monday, October 19, 2009

My Day

Dear Blog,

Man today was awesome. We had a rememberance/wedding celebration in the main hall. At first I put a sad face on. Talking about how we will miss old King Hamlet, and how we should put on a united face of mourning. Psh, whatevs. People need to move on. I have, my wife has. I mean look at me. I married my bro's wife a month after he died. Especially Hamlet. He needs to get over it. So your father died, so what? Move on. Be a MAN about it like your good ole uncle.

And you all know what’s happening. Young Fortinbras, underestimating my strength or imagining that the death of the king has thrown my country into turmoil, dreams of getting the better of me, and never stops pestering me with demands that I surrender the territory his father lost to the old Hamlet, my dead brother-in-law. Psh, whatevs. So much for Fortinbras. I'll show him who to mess with. I sent out Cornelius and Voltimand to tell him whats what.

After all this me and my fellow followers went out for some brewskies, and it was gooooooood. Nothing like a good drink after a hard days work. Well im out for now.

Deuces Blog.


  1. WOMEN!!!! Excuse me!!!! You better not like women. And instead of hanging out with yo man how bout hanging out with your wife, whom your married too! DUH!

  2. YES WOMEN! I'm a MAN! And if I want to hang out with my boys I will! So take that!

  3. HM... oh we will see how that goes for you buddy!

  4. What are you going to make me do? Sleep on the couch? I'd like to see you try. Get over it Gertrude.

  5. Listen get over yourself. I have never been anything but awesome to you so the least you could do is take the trash out when I ask you. I mean can you not at least do that!? And yeah maybe you should sleep on the couch!

  6. Maybe I will! And give you space? Thats just what you want isn't it? Space. So you can go see your yoga teacher. I see the way you look at him. If your going to be like this FINE! I'll give you ALL the space you need!

  7. OMG since when did I say I like my yoga teacher? Ok yeah so maybe he is twenty two and has a six pack, whatever. You are just saying all of this because you’re the one who wants space, for your "women". Listen here buddy when I am at yoga tonight I expect the trash to be out by the time I get home.
